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Broken civilizations get rebuilt at the local community level as families, businesses, churches and small civil governments begin to learn what those local institutions can be. That is happening right now in the US, primarily in rural counties.

We explore real-life reformation here in this informed, online community.
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What Americans Now Understand

Russia collusion was a lie. Hunter Biden’s incriminating laptop was real — as was the Biden Crime Family’s monetization of Joe’s office. Impeaching President Trump because Joe Biden accepted bribes from foreign adversaries never made sense to anybody with a brain except Mitt Romney. COVID did come from a lab. Perforated masks don’t stop viral transmission but do make it difficult for people to breathe. Economic lockdowns saved no one but killed tens of thousands of small businesses. School closures saved no one but caused lifetime learning harm for an entire generation. The 2020 election was neither free nor fair, and there is substantial evidence of electoral fraud. Government censorship is real. Mass government surveillance of our private communications is real. Mainstream news reporters do lie. And Americans can reclaim lost freedoms only if they reject government propaganda and think for themselves.

JB Shurk

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Six Decades of Institutionalized Dishonesty: Affirmative Action

Trump just killed federal affirmative action. The new Trump EO goes beyond even no longer mandating affirmative action among contractors. While DEI was required to get government contracts before, now it’s prohibited.

Christopher Caldwell says this is way bigger than people may think:

"Trump’s decision to repeal it is the most significant policy change of this century—more significant than the Affordable Care Act of 2010 or anything done about Covid. How can people be talking about anything else? Yet major news outlets treat Trump’s bold move as a detail of personnel management: “Distress and Fury as Trump Upends Federal Jobs,” headlined The New York Times.

"Somewhere along the line, the Trump administration came to understand in a sophisticated way how the enforcement of civil rights actually works. Not many Americans do—and it’s worth reviewing.

"It was possible to believe at the time of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that a good-faith moral commitment would suffice to ...

President Milei Again Speaks Truth to the Irrational Davos Crowd

Argentina’s flamboyant libertarian president Javier Milei was invited back to the World Economic Forum’s annual confab at Davos. Last year, the confident new president torched Davos and most of its attendees with a blistering and unapologetic condemnation of globalism, socialism, and woke ideology, an unprecedented affront to the global gathering that was met with equal parts dismay and ridicule among attendees and in the legacy media.

But since that time he did something no other world leader has done: He put his economic house in order in stunning fashion, getting Argentina out of the red and into the black for the first time in 123 years. The ruined Argentine economy was fixed by Milei in just a matter of months. From his speech last week:

“The great burden that is the common denominator among the countries and institutions that are failing is the mental virus of woke ideology,” Milei told his squirming audience. “This is the great epidemic of our time that must be ...

President Trump Spoiled the Davos Garden Party

He did not honor them with his presence. But he did make a live video link appearance to rebuke them. Mr. Trump informed them that the United States is taking a new direction 180 degrees opposite the Davos globalist geopolitical framework because, he inferred, they are on the wrong track. They are on the wrong side of history. And that simple idea is prompting many international leaders to rethink their blind participation in the corrupt World Economic Forum.

Mr. Trump's position is not merely an opinion, it is dynamic leadership with an intelligent agenda, nineteen points, he laid out for them in his message. Here are nineteen goals America will now be pursuing as the WEF stagnates in its failure:

President Trump will get rid of 10 regulations for each new regulation

Tariffs, whose amounts are not yet established, will be imposed on foreign goods

Federal tax breaks will be given for companies that make products within the US: he will lower it from 21% to 15% if products are produced in the USA.

He will ...

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