So writes the data analytic firm Omega4America, whose fractal database comparison software can return over 200 million computer transactions per second. They have outperformed the FBI, the Secret Service, and other agencies in finding fraud for giant enterprises like ebay and leading insurance companies. They have just run the numbers on the Georgia 2020 election, and determined how, why and where it was fraudulent, and should be nullified.
Elizabeth Nickson summarizes:
The way [Omega 4 operates] is that they take government databases, put them through fractal analysis, using a quantum tech stack to compare multiple databases against each other, in real time, visualizing relationships in data. Anyone can use their stack and operate it from their phone.
To analyze Georgia and fourteen other states, they used Death Records, Property Tax records, NCOA postal change, Known Address databases, the voter rolls database, the social security database, the 911 database, the Known Address database, the Cast Ballot database - and compared them all to the official Georgia results.
Let’s start with the little stuff because the cheat was multi-factorial. Over 30,000 Georgians had multiple voter IDs, 450 had three IDs, and 20 had four or even five. Many of those IDs voted. 10,223 people attempted to cast a ballot using a voter id that did not exist. 2,210 of those were cast and counted. Fewer than 200 dead people voted. 17,870 ballots were cast and counted but the people don’t exist in the voter history file.
In an election where 4.5 million people voted you might think these are just anomalies. Nevertheless, the election was won by that poor sad creature [Biden] by 11,779 or .23% of the votes, so any of the above could nullify the election.
There were three times that many anomalous cast ballots.
Most of the states use a system called ERIC to clean voter rolls, but every anomaly that follows eluded ERIC.
7.2 million mail-in ballots were sent out and 4.5 million of those were returned or showed up on the day to vote. 645,375 ballots or 7% of the total had severe anomalies that mean that they shouldn’t have been counted. Tens of thousands were sent and returned from ineligible addresses. What is an ineligible address? Medical offices, vacant lots, funeral homes, churches, police stations, warehouses, campgrounds, RV parks, hotels. Industrial facilities, jails. Hospitals. Anywhere there is no bedroom.
Fractal calculated that there were about one hundred thousand people registered at an address that might be a business. Using the address and google maps (or any mapping system), you can find these places. For many if not most addresses, databases go deeper; you can get photographs of said lot or warehouse and here’s the great thing that sent me into five minutes of giggles, you can get the voting history of the person registered at the warehouse, some of which go back five election cycles. This is also true of temporary campgrounds, RV parks where you cannot stay for longer than two weeks, but hundreds have been voting from said park for decades, and longer-term hotels, where you rent by the week, but have somehow been voting from said ‘suite’ for twelve years.
Any investment in bioscience research comes with 100% risk because one never knows if a particular strategy will produce beneficial outcomes.
Publicly traded pharmaceutical companies have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to maximize profits and the only sure way to generate profits is through regulatory capture.
So Big Pharma just lies about its products and buys off the regulators (and the politicians and the media) every time.
The biggest profits come from giving a drug to the entire population in the name of preventive care — vaccines and now statins.
By pathologizing natural human emotions, the makers of psychopharmaceuticals also seek to sell treatments to nearly the entire population.
Causing harm increases profits by 100x or more (a single injury can produce a lifetime of profitable treatments).
Said simply, causing harm and disease massively increases the size of the market for pharmaceutical products so that’s Big Pharma’s business model today.
Dr. Toby Rogers
The “Putin apologist” smear is as omnipresent today as the same kind of smear was in 2002 in the US, deployed against anyone who questioned the wisdom of the coming war on Iraq. It’s designed to shut down thought. As usual, Hungary is the one dissenter from the EU consensus.
Rod Dreher
The case for getting out of NATO encompasses four fundamental propositions:
First, the Federal budget has become a self-fueling fiscal doomsday machine, even as the Fed has run out of capacity to monetize the skyrocketing public debt.
Second, the only viable starting point for fiscal salvation is slashing the nation’s elephantine Warfare State by at least $500 billion per year.
Third, the route to that end is a return to the “no entangling alliance” wisdom of the Founders, which means bringing the Empire Home, closing the 750 US bases abroad, scuttling much of the US Navy and Army and withdrawing from NATO and similar lesser commitments elsewhere.
Fourthly, jettisoning NATO requires debunking its Origins Story and the false claim that it brought peace and security to post-war America when what it actually did was transform Washington into the War Capital of the World, dominated by a panoptic complex of arms merchants, neocon warmongers and a vast Warfare State nomenklatura.