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Broken civilizations get rebuilt at the local community level as families, businesses, churches and small civil governments begin to learn what those local institutions can be. That is happening right now in the US, primarily in rural counties.

We explore real-life reformation here in this informed, online community.
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The U.S. national debt surpassed $34 trillion this month

What Are the Financial Costs of Illegal Immigration?

"Based on their use rate of major welfare programs, we roughly estimate that illegal immigrants receive $42 billion in benefits, or about 4 percent of the total cost of the cash, Medicaid, food and housing programs examined in our study."

-- Dr. Steven Camarota, testimony before the Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, addressing the impact of illegal immigrants on public services.

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Mr. Trump Listened to the Wrong Advisors on Supreme Court Nominee Barrett

Recounts Attorney Robert Barnes,

"Before her nomination, I suggested that Amy Coney Barrett would not defend Trump or populist causes on a range of important topics. She would not help out in the election. She would not be a reliable vote on vaccines and related issues. She would not be a reliable voice on populist issues in general. I was accused of being a traitor. I was accused of having secret agendas. All that nonsense. Guess who the fourth vote was that was not there to take up the election cases--even the ones after the J6 issues to at least correct the next election? Amy Coney Barrett! Who is it that has refused to rule positively on any major vaccine issue for the most part? Amy Coney Barrett. Who is the one who did not join the majority on the election decision? Amy Coney Barrett."

Barnes further describes her decision to not adjudicate the Government/Big Tech censorship issue.

"She played Pontius Pilate. Washed her hands of the responsibility to adjudicate by citing ...

Irony, Bankruptcy and Chaos in "Sanctuary" New York City

"By June 2024, the city anticipates, as many as 70,000 immigrants will be receiving food, shelter, and other services, at a cost over the next two years of several billion dollars. That includes nearly $750 million in health-care and hospital payments in 2024 alone. To help house these individuals, the city has bought accommodations in more than 100 hotels and other facilities, including a $237 million deal the city signed with the Hotel Association of New York City Foundation to provide rooms—in some cases, at more than $200 per night. In one of the more pointed ironies of the last year, Mayor Adams began busing new arrivals to other parts of New York State, despite criticizing Republicans who had sent migrants to New York City."

Steven Malanga, City Journal

The American Fed Is Insolvent

"The Federal Reserve is already insolvent.

According to its most recent annual financial statements, the Fed has just $51 billion in equity, versus a whopping $948 billion in mark-to-market losses. This means the Fed is insolvent by roughly $900 billion.

This is a big problem. Remember that the Fed is still a bank, i.e. it has financial obligations, liabilities, and depositors that it needs to pay.

For example, commercial banks like JP Morgan and Bank of America have deposited a total of $3.4 trillion of their customers’ money, i.e. YOUR money, with the Fed. And the Treasury Department holds another $700 billion deposit at the Fed.

The Fed owes money to foreign governments. They owe trillions of dollars from repurchase agreements to banks and businesses across the global financial system.

So, yeah, the insolvency of the Federal Reserve is a pretty big deal. Yet, at least for now, no one is saying a word about it.


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