Insider Paul Barnes goes on record with the following explanation:
Clinton corruption operates at scale – think villainy along those portrayed in Bond films, global operators building entire institutions on corruption, flourishing at levels both broad and local, touching populations everywhere.
Think in terms of cartel bosses rather than street corner dealers. Quid pro quo corruption is beneath them. They prefer to build entire institutions feeding on corruption where the profits flow up, and their benefits remain as indirect as possible from the direct criminality of the operation.
Let me give an example. From my own professional career.
First, Clinton. A wealthy businessman, Haim Saban, made the biggest private sale to a corporation in American history at the time – a $1.6B sale of his interest Fox Family Worldwide to the Disney corporation. Disney put a poison pill in the agreement in case their due diligence unearthed problems with the deal, which it did. Disney could require Saban to obtain a specialized Brazilian license in 90 days that everyone knew Brazil never approved in 90 days. So Saban called his friend, ex President Bill Clinton. Clinton was personal friends with Brazil’s President Cardoso, and future Brazilian President Lula. Clinton told Saban to call Clinton’s friend, DNC chair Terry McAuliffe.
Saban did, without mentioning anything about Brazil or Clinton to McAuliffe. McAuliffe was expecting the call. McAuliffe quickly explained to Saban that he welcomed Saban’s donation to the party, given they needed a new building. And so it was that Saban agreed to give the party its single largest donation ever.
A few weeks later, Brazil magically granted that special license no one thought could be given so fast, Disney was stuck in the deal, and wrote a $1.6B check to Saban. Saban later said his $7M donation to the DNC was in honor of his religious beliefs and the number was significant to him. It was the number the DNC requested, but that part was left out.
Now, Biden.
Clients of mine were approached by Biden allies while Biden was VP that any criminal investigation by the DOJ could be shut down for the right donation to Biden family and friends through various shell companies. Grifters galore were coming forward with ties to Biden making these pitches and promises throughout Washington. A pure quid-pro-quo corruption pitch.
Since lobbyists and such pols are infamous for overpromising and underdelivering, the pitch was so direct as to suggest criminality complicity, and aspects of it could easily be a trap, I convinced my clients to not go along, but I knew others who did, with mixed results. But this was the Biden modus operandi – more like a street-level dealer than a cartel boss, little sophistication or even intermediary distance, the kind of criminal who enforces personally and bribes directly. More like the thug on the corner, the bad guy from a B-action flick, than a Thanos or Spectre.
Biden’s your classic quid-pro-quo hustler, street-corner criminal, thuggish local boss, who demands payment in person, brags about his power to underlings and targets, and often blunt in his exercise of power. He flashes his fancy cars, gropes and grabs in public, and brags about how no one messes with the Bidens. His thrill of power over the vulnerable makes him show up in person for the bribe or extortion. And he can’t help but brag about it later to pals and commoners alike. His kind of corruption is as old as government.
The Clintons built an entire machine of corruption, entrapping politicians of both parties, leading intellectuals, news makers, policy shapers, idea brokers, pols around the globe, filtering it through off-the-books communications, indirect payment schemes, global foundations, prominent NGOs, leading universities, and governments around the world. The Clintons weren’t part of the Epstein machine; they made the Epstein machine part of them. They took the old political machine structure of the last century, integrated it with modern corporate corrupt power structures common to the old south, and embedded it within the Deep State grey space operatives of NGOs, CIA covert ops, and the criminal underworld. Their corruption touched big law firms, like something out of Grisham. Their corruption employed Ellroy-style grey space shadow operators, who kill without getting caught. Their corruption can call upon decision makers ranging from local sheriff to CIA director. It touches everywhere, everything, and everyone, corrupting it like a virus wherever it touches foot. Follow it, and you find a path of more than dead bodies; you find looted factories, lost cities, and missing children.
Biden is the front guy for the Deep State; the Deep State can be the front guy for the Clintons. That’s the difference, and it’s a dangerous one.
*For the record, this article was written by Paul, not Robert. Robert, who may have interned at the White House in 1993, knows nothing of any of this bad about the Clintons, or their Death Curse.
Any investment in bioscience research comes with 100% risk because one never knows if a particular strategy will produce beneficial outcomes.
Publicly traded pharmaceutical companies have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to maximize profits and the only sure way to generate profits is through regulatory capture.
So Big Pharma just lies about its products and buys off the regulators (and the politicians and the media) every time.
The biggest profits come from giving a drug to the entire population in the name of preventive care — vaccines and now statins.
By pathologizing natural human emotions, the makers of psychopharmaceuticals also seek to sell treatments to nearly the entire population.
Causing harm increases profits by 100x or more (a single injury can produce a lifetime of profitable treatments).
Said simply, causing harm and disease massively increases the size of the market for pharmaceutical products so that’s Big Pharma’s business model today.
Dr. Toby Rogers
The “Putin apologist” smear is as omnipresent today as the same kind of smear was in 2002 in the US, deployed against anyone who questioned the wisdom of the coming war on Iraq. It’s designed to shut down thought. As usual, Hungary is the one dissenter from the EU consensus.
Rod Dreher
The case for getting out of NATO encompasses four fundamental propositions:
First, the Federal budget has become a self-fueling fiscal doomsday machine, even as the Fed has run out of capacity to monetize the skyrocketing public debt.
Second, the only viable starting point for fiscal salvation is slashing the nation’s elephantine Warfare State by at least $500 billion per year.
Third, the route to that end is a return to the “no entangling alliance” wisdom of the Founders, which means bringing the Empire Home, closing the 750 US bases abroad, scuttling much of the US Navy and Army and withdrawing from NATO and similar lesser commitments elsewhere.
Fourthly, jettisoning NATO requires debunking its Origins Story and the false claim that it brought peace and security to post-war America when what it actually did was transform Washington into the War Capital of the World, dominated by a panoptic complex of arms merchants, neocon warmongers and a vast Warfare State nomenklatura.